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If you are wondering how to improve your GK, then this blog is for you.

10 Facts about the Brain

1. Although the human brain weighs only 2 to 3% of our total body, it demands 20% of the oxygen. It also takes 15% of total power produced by our heart.
2. Your brain can’t feel a pain because it has no pain receptors. You may have heard “when people feel a headache, they say it’s the brain which plagues them” but in real , the nerve impulses which transmits the pain to the surrounded receptors of the brain are the real culprits.
3. Your left part of the brain controls and manage right side of the body. Your right part of the brain controls left side of the body. Yeah it operates mutually.
4. The old adage of humans only using 10% of their brain is not true. Every part of the brain has a known function.
5. While an elephant’s brain is physically larger than a human brain, the human brain is 2% of total body weight (compared to 0.15% of an elephant’s brain), meaning humans have the largest brain to body size.
6. The human brain is the fattest organ in the body and may consists of at least 60% fat.
7. At birth, your brain was almost the same size as an adult brain and contained most of the brain cells for your whole life. Your brain stopped (or will stop) growing at age 18.
8. Scientists have discovered that men and women’s brains react differently to pain, which explains why they may perceive or discuss pain differently.
9. The capacity for such emotions as joy, happiness, fear, and shyness are already developed at birth. The specific type of nurturing a child receives shapes how these emotions are developed.
10. It is thought that a yawn works to send more oxygen to the brain, therefore working to cool it down and wake it up.
Ever notice that you yawned after someone around you did? Yawns are contagious. Scientists believe this may be a response to an ancient social behavior for communication that humans still have.


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