1. A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.
2. Black holes are not always black. Although they are known for their blackness, they can do emit electromagnetic radiation.
3. Black holes are not actually funnel-shaped, but more like spheres.
4. Double black holes are thought to be the strongest source of the very much sought-after gravitational waves. This gravitational radiation ripples through the fabric of space-time, taking the form of waves and have never been observed directly.
5. There is a massive black hole at the center of Milky Way. It's 30,000 light years away and over 30 million times as massive as the Sun.
6. While Einstein did revive the theory of existence of black holes in 1916, John Mitchell actually thought of it first, back in 1783. The idea didn't go anywhere, though, because he didn't know what to do with it.
8. Clock run really slow near black holes. It all has to do with gravity.
9. Nothing can escape the pull of a black hole, UNLESS, it can move faster than the speed of light.
10. Carl Sagan said said "there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the world”. In fact, there are 10^22 stars in the universe.
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